scA53zu1Ntv0EqaIpAYF2d6HnI8 My dog - inspired life: Oh boy!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Oh boy!

My day started with a FAST walk this morning. Yes, I tried to check out my dad's trick with keeping the dogs closer. I was dragging my feet, my shoulders were hunched, I even limped a little but my dogs, at least this morning, couldn't care less. Off they went, Coppers nose on the ground, and I abandoned by slow walk for a high speed trot. Maybe my dogs ignoring me had something to do with the group of deer, that crossed our path? HUH! Well I guess I have to try it again some other time.
With all that excitement in the morning, I relaxed on the drive to town with the funniest audiobooks I know of Janet Evanovitch "Stefanie Plum series", just finished Smokin' Seventeen.
If you enjoy a good laugh, you HAVE TO listen in. The narrator Lorelei King gives all the characters an individual funny. Love for getting all my audiobooks.


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