scA53zu1Ntv0EqaIpAYF2d6HnI8 My dog - inspired life

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Received this clip from a friend and had to laugh so hard that I want to share it now! And the clip shows, what I always believed in: there are special "jobs" for special "dogs and not all dogs enjoy the same! So if you are thinking about bringing a dog into your life, do some brainstorming. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? What activities do you want to share with your canine companion? Long walks, hunting, fly ball, swimming, lots of lazy couch time? You don't mind brushing off dog hair? You have time and space for a BIG pooch? All those questions you should ask yourself before buying a dog. And always remembers, there are a lot of lonely hearts waiting for a friend to play, learn, train and LOVE in the SPCA's across the country!!!


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