scA53zu1Ntv0EqaIpAYF2d6HnI8 My dog - inspired life: October 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Copper continues dog school

Yesterday Copper started his new four week training in basic household obedience. We were late because I couldn't find the dog training facility so when we walk into the room, seven excited dogs began barking. What did Copper do? He stayed true to himself, looked around and wondered why everybody is making such a fuss. Students of all breeds (a funny Labradoodle, a noisy Jack Russell, a well behaved Cockerspaniel, a Springer Spaniel, a shy wippet, a timid Labrador and a Shepard Mix) learned sit, down, watch me. Nothing new for Mr. Copper, but refreshing the already known never hurts. We hope to pass this class and be able to move forward into a Beginner Rally Obedience class next. Might be a stretch for a Bloodhound, but if he has fun, I will give it a try. To make the class a success, homework is a must. Always remember not to jump to fast from one exercise to another. Make sure "A" is fully understood before you attempt "B". If the basics are not there, you have to pay later when you try to teach your dogs advanced tricks, obedience and such!
Be patience, have a positive attitude and SMILE. Have FUN and your dog will have fun.
Look at Coppers "Grad" pic (passed Youngster obedience class spring 2011), I couldn't have been any more proud of him that day!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Encounter wildlife

Yes, its autumn and encountering wildlife with your canine companion is a good possibility. Around here, rural Alberta, we have lots of moose in the fall, coyotes and deer starting to graze close to the house. This morning I spotted a bull moose and leashed Lacy up as well (not trusting my "stay here" command with her seeing the moose). Shortly after, my dogs saw the moose and Copper starting baying. Not sure about this big animal in front of him, he pulled a little on the leash but kept looking for my support. The moose was more curious then frighten and kept starring at us. He was four meters beside our drive-way, 20 m way from us, so to close to pass him so I started backing up. After a few steps, the moose walked slowly away, "gracefully" jumping over two fences and gone!
In the fall, I always keep my eyes open, trying to spot wildlife before my dogs do. So I can avoid a close encounter or distract the canines, so that the wild animals can leave before getting spotted.
Keep your eyes open on your dog-walks!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A look down memory puppies grow

Well, it is a year know since we picked up Copper from his mom and litter mates being 12 weeks old and adorable. Looking back at the pictures, I can't believe how much he has grown since then. See for yourself...
When you get a puppy, take as many pictures as you can..they won't stay small for long.
A puppy arrives full of promise for years of fun, friendship and joy. A puppy grows at a remarkable rate-from a helpless baby to a strong, mature athlete in just 18 months or so. As far as myself, I always believe, my puppy will become a Superdog, very smart, the best search, obedience, agility hound ever and so on. It is during the first year that I, although reluctantly begin to conclude that he's a good dog, alas he's no Superdog after all. It's funny, but at about the same time I realize it doesn't matter. We're in this together. And I'm in it for the long haul. So I believe for the remainder of our years together, I learn to accept my dog's minor faults as willingly as he accepts mine. It's something a dog teaches you in exchange for a warm bed and some attention.

Puppies also change a household, and more than by merely eating cushions and stealing socks. They also invigorate and raise the alertness level of all other inhabitants. And while a baby dog brings pooping and peeing, puppy breath and shoe chewing, he also brings something from a higher place. That something is hope. And for that reason alone, a puppy is a treasure beyond price!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Top 5 herbs for CATS

Since two cats are part of our family as well, I found this article about natural remedies for our feline friends (source:

1. Saw palmetto for urinary blockage
Cats with a history of urinary blockage can safely use this herb long term. This herb has anti-inflammatory effects on the bladder.
2. Hawthorne for the heart
Hawthorne can be helpful in improving heart muscle function.
3. Ginko for cognition
Ginko has been used for human dementia patients and can be useful for old kitties that don't seem "with it" anymore.
4. Dandelion for tummy problems
For constipated cats Dandelion acts as a laxative while adressing the underlying problem of poor digestion.
5. Marshmallow the all around herb
Marshmallow can soothe and restore mucus membranes and helps those tissues to heal.
This herb has many potential uses for our feline friends. Respiratory problems, gastrointestinal disorders, stomatitis (painful swelling of the gums) can be eased with marshmallow.

Administering many herbs to cats can be difficult because of their strong odor, but marshmallow is very mild and is easily mixed in can food.

ATTENTION: While rare, some herbs interfere or react negatively with medications and other treatments. Please consult with your veterinarian first.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Superfruits for Canines

You probably have heard and read your fair share about superfruits for humans to boost our health and immun system. Well, guess what, here are 6 superfruits you can share with your canine companion (source:

1. Acai Berries - they are a good source of vegetarian protein and fats, which dogs require in a balanced diet
2. Blackberries - they can boost your dog's defences against diseases and stress symptoms. Try mixing blackberries with broccoli and a whole egg for a doggie "smoothie" (haven't tried that one yet myself)
3. Cranberries - those berries are known for their ability to improve urinary health in both humans and animals. It's a perfect tonic for an aging or arthritic dog, but some dislike its tartness. Try mixing it with other foods or giving it as you would a pill.
4. Wolfberries (goji berry)- helps reduce inflammation, improve heart health, prevent eye disease and it can also help modulate a dog's immun system so he respond to infections in a healthy manner.
5. Pomegranates - in whole, there are an excellent source of fiber and antioxidants. Studies also shown that they can help with heart disease and its natural juices also coat a dog's teeth with bacteria fighting compounds.
6. Blueberries - it is the strongest antioxidant fruit grown in North America. The antioxidant inhibits the growth of cancer cells and reduce inflammation. Several studies have found they improve mood and mental function in animals. Most dogs enjoy their sweet flavor, but others find them too strong. If your companion declines them, he is more likely to enjoy them in a "stew" made with meat.

Superfruits can be fed as treats or sprinkle into your dog's food.
I must admit, I haven't tried them all yet, but my "kids" sure enjoy the extra treats and come running :)

Fruits to avoid: grapes, raisins and also limit your dog's intake of pits and seeds in fruit. They contain cyanide which can poison your dog if ingested in large quantities!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

making new dog "friends"

Lacy tried to make a new friend the other day. I was suspicious because we were ate the edge of a wheat field and she was jumping around in it trying to find the "moving thing". My calling was ignored. As I walked closer I saw her with a black and white animal, who wasn't happy about the intruder. Copper, on the leash, was testing my arm strength while I was trying to convince Lacy to come back "quickly. Yep too late it was, when she trotted back and smelled "bad". Even Copper made a disgusted sound towards her and kept his distance.
Here a wash, that does work:
Mix of hydroxin peroxide, baking soda and dishdetergent.

The joys off fall include meeting lots of wildlife!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

First aid tips for pet owners

First aid tips for pet owners

It is a link to the the American Veterinary Medical Association!

First Aid for dogs and stay calm

Dear Copper,
do you know how scared I was? Do you know how my voice cracked calling your name again and again but you didn't come? Please Copper, be a good dog companion and don't run away again!"

Well I told him those words time and time again after Mr. Copper decided to come home again. I must admit he was only gone for one hour. His longest disappearance was three (do I dare to say "so far"). His bloodhound nose just takes over sometimes and I'm worried sick.With his leash in my hand, Lacy at my side, I start walking and looking for him. And I always remember "try humming to block the negative thoughts out of your head; it will be a good distraction for you and it will calm you". It is good to know First Aid for animals, see my post. Also, I always have Arnica montana on hand. It is a great homeopathic remedy for any kind of shock, injury or trauma. Works very well for humans too!
Copper never came back injured, so I'm really thankful for that.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Received this clip from a friend and had to laugh so hard that I want to share it now! And the clip shows, what I always believed in: there are special "jobs" for special "dogs and not all dogs enjoy the same! So if you are thinking about bringing a dog into your life, do some brainstorming. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? What activities do you want to share with your canine companion? Long walks, hunting, fly ball, swimming, lots of lazy couch time? You don't mind brushing off dog hair? You have time and space for a BIG pooch? All those questions you should ask yourself before buying a dog. And always remembers, there are a lot of lonely hearts waiting for a friend to play, learn, train and LOVE in the SPCA's across the country!!!